The Medinilla is an ornamental plant with big pink clustered inflorescences.
Her elegant, highly decorative appearance made her earn the title of "Magnifica", the Italian for "showy" or "magnificent".
It is known as the "summer plant" because it blooms from the beginning of spring until the end of the warm months.
Native to the tropical forests of south-east Asia, it prefers a shady, warm and very humid environment.

Choosing the most suitable type of lawn is one of the most important steps to have a healthy and lush garden.
Of course, the choice depends primarily on the effect we want to achieve: elegant, colorful, rustic.

Choosing the most suitable type of lawn is one of the most important steps to have a healthy and lush garden.
Of course, the choice depends primarily on the effect we want to achieve: elegant, colorful, rustic.

Using natural materials to organize the garden, means blending perfectly the technical and structural solutions adopted with the surrounding environment.
In fact the garden, like the interior of a house, requires a careful design to be beautiful and functional, in order to set up the spaces in the most appropriate way.

Pruning is a useful practice for the health of many plant species that brings great benefits to trees, bushes, shrubs, but also climbers and flowering plants.
In particular, when tree or shrub species are organized and structured to form hedges, pruning represents an indispensable maintenance technique.